
Name: Western Coastal Banks (Belgium)

Location (approximated)

2°32'36"E - 51°05'48"N

2°30'36"E - 51°08'24"N

2°35'00"E - 51°09'24"N

2°38'20"E - 51°07'42"N

Brief description:

A bathymetrical, geomorphological and hydrodynamical highly diverse, nearshore sandy beach - sandbank-swale system, composed of clay to coarse soft-sediments.



Magda Vincx / Steven Degraer


Proposed primary site


The proposed primary site is situated along the Belgian North Sea coast. All anthropogenic and natural stressors listed below are described relative to the Southern Bight coastal areas.

Industrial pollution: The residual currents along the Belgian coast are northeast oriented. Hence, industrial pollution entering the North Sea via the Westerschelde estuary (e.g. harbour of Antwerp) about 75 km northeast of the site is not influencing the site. Industrial areas are scattered along the whole northern French, Belgian, Dutch and German coastline. The nearest industrial zone to the site is situated in Dunkerque (France), about 20 km southwest of the site, but the impact on the coastal zone is minimal. Relative to other areas within the region, industrial pollution should be regarded as very low.

Agricultural pollution: As for the industrial pollution, major agricultural pollution is discharged by rivers (e.g. Westerschelde). Hence, no major pollution is present at the site. Relative to other areas within the region, agricultural pollution should be regarded as very low.

Mining: No mining activities are present at the site. The nearest sand extraction zone is situated some 10 km north of the site (= outside tidal current influence).

Dumping: No dumping activities are present at the site. The nearest dumping site is found 10 km northeast of the site (= outside tidal current influence).

Dredging: No dredging activities are present at the site. The nearest dredging site is found some 20 northeast of the site (= outside tidal current influence).

Human population of the site (total / per unit area) and average population growth

According to the municipality services (data 25/09/2001): the total population of the coastal community fringing the site counts 9917 inhabitants on a total surface area of 23.9 km˛ (= 415 inhabitants/km˛). No data on population growth are available. Further expansion of the community into the protected dune area (inshore of the site) is prohibited.

Sewage disposal (quantity and quality)

The sewage of the community is partly directly and partly after purification disposed in the Duinkerkevaart. The water of the Duinkerkevaart is lead to Nieuwpoort (some 20 km north of the site) and Dunkerque (France). No sewage disposal takes place at the site.

Commercial fishing (e.g. fishing gear)

Because of the numerous shallow sandbanks, no heavy fishing activities are taking place within the area. The only commercial fishing activities are sole fishery (one vessel: beam trawling) and shrimp fishery (small vessels: small beamtrawl) (only seasonal). Non-commercial fisheries consists of extensive line fishery from tourist vessels. No bivalve fishery is present at the site. Relative to other areas within the region, fisheries pressure is regarded to be low.

Tourist activities (quanti- and qualification)

Tourism activities within the area mainly consists of beach tourism, yachting and sailing, and line fishery. Because of the restricted access to the beach (e.g. dune nature reserve), beach tourism is low compared to other sites along the Belgian coast and mainly consists of hiking. Line fishery from the beach is almost absent. Along the low water line, line fishermen are digging for Arenicola marina as bait. Line fishery from tourist vessels is extensive, since major fishing grounds are found further offshore. Extensive sailing takes place at the site. Tourist activities mainly take place in Summer. According to tourism statistics for De Panne in 2000, a number of 8500 tourist-days/month is observed in Winter, gradually increasing through Spring (35250 tourist-days/month) to peak in Summer (55500 tourist-days/month) and decreasing again in Autumn (10500 tourist-days/month). No information about their activities is available.

Natural stressors

The site is composed of a sandy beach - foreshore - sandbank/gully system, which is typical for the soft sediment coastlines from northern France north to Denmark. Former research has shown an average SPM content of 0.08 mg/l and an average salinity of 33.8 PSU, which is typical for the coastal waters of the Southern Bight of the North Sea.

References to pristiness

Datasets on physico-chemical environment retrieved from:

Degraer, S. & Vincx, M. (1998). Onderzoek naar (1) de ruimtelijke variatie, (2) de seizoenale variatie en (3) de populatie dynamica van het macrobenthos voor de Westkust in functie van de ecologische bijsturing van een kustverdedigingsproject. Eindrapportage van de onderhandse overeenkomst dd. 24.07.1997 i.o.v. de Afdeling Waterwegen en Kust van het ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Departement Leefmilieu en Infrastruktuur, Administratie Waterwegen en Zeewezen.

Degraer, S., V. Van Lancker, G. Moerkerke, M. Vincx, P. Jacobs & J.-P. Henriet. 2000. Intensive evaluation of the evolution of the a protected benthic habitat: HABITAT. Scientific report 30/09/00. Federal Office for Scientific, Technical and Cultural Affairs (OSTC).

Degraer, S., V. Van Lancker, G. Moerkerke, M. Vincx, P. Jacobs & J.-P. Henriet. In prep. Intensive evaluation of the evolution of the a protected benthic habitat: HABITAT. Scientific report 10/2001. Federal Office for Scientific, Technical and Cultural Affairs (OSTC).

Datasets on pollution retrieved from:

Maes, F., A. Cliquet, J. Seys, P. meire & H. Offringa. 2000. Limited atlas of the Belgian part of the North Sea. Report D/2000/1191/9. Federal Office for Scientific, Technical and Cultural Affairs (OSTC).

Datasets on tourist activities retrieved from:

Retrieved from the National Institute of Statistics of Belgium.



Habitat list

Hard substrates

Except for artificial hard substrates (e.g. groins and dykes), littoral as well as sublittoral rocky habitats are absent along the soft-sediment coastline from northern France to northern Denmark. Hence, within the site rocky littoral and sublittoral habitats are only included as artificial hard substrates.

Sands and muds

Because of the high geomorphological and hydrodynamical diversity, a wide variety of soft-sediments is found within the site: tertiary clay layers and from muddy sands to coarse sand and shell banks. The sediments are distributed shallow (e.g. sandbank tops) as well as in deeper waters (down tot -17 m MLLWS). Two offshore places have a depth of little below 0 m MLLWS and are exposed to the air a few times a year.


Except for gravel beds, all types off surface soft-sediments, present at the Belgian Continental Shelf, are found within the site.


Background information

Comprehensive inventories available

Macrobenthos: all taxa

A selection of publications on macrobenthos:

Meiobenthos: Nematoda

A selection of publications on nematodes:

Meiobenthos: Copepoda

Microbenthos: Bacteria




Other publications




A selection of publications on avifauna:

Physical environment

Publications relating to historical/time-series data

Most publications about time-series are listed above. Only very specific time-series publications are given within this section.


A research project on long-term changes (1970-2001) within the macrobenthos of the Belgian Continental Shelf (including the proposed site) is approved for funding recently. This project will start in December 2001. Furthermore, macrobenthos data from late 19th and early 20th century are available at the Belgian Natural Sciences Museum.



Availability of biodiversity information

data available since early '70

Several research projects have been and/or are dealing with benthic and avian biodiversity of the Belgian Continental Shelf (including the proposed site): e.g. FWO 3G209492, IMPULS Programma Zeewetenschappen MS/02/080 (120NW492), GOA 12050192, Duurzame ontwikkeling Noordzee MS/02/040 (12DU1397)


Protection status

Conservation legislation

The recognition of the ecological importance of the Belgian shallow marine habitat already led to the addition of parts of the marine coastal zone (roughly Coastal Banks between the Belgian – French border and Oostende) to the lists of Belgian Ramsar areas (Kuijken, 1972) and the inclusion under the Natura 2000 network areas, in execution of the EC Habitat Directive (MUMM, January 1996: proposal by the federal administration of ‘Trapegeer – Stroombank’ as a Site of Community Importance (SCI); Natura 2000 network). At this moment, the interest in creating a marine nature reserve at the site is increasing. Therefore, the Belgian government worked out the framework law for the protection of the marine environment (framework law of 20/01/1999), allowing to create marine nature reserves. So far, nine sites were considered: two larger and one smaller areas, in combination with the near environment of six ship wrecks. One of the larger ones consists of the proposed primary site (situated nearby the Belgian – French border). Recently, the designation of the site as a marine protected area has become a top priority of the Environmental Department of the Belgian federal government (pers. comm. Management Unit for the Mathematical Model of the North Sea and Westerschelde Estuary).




The intertidal habitats are accessible by car or by boat. The subtidal part is accessible by boat from a nearby harbour (nearest harbour: Nieuwpoort; 30 min. sailing). The site is at about 30 min. driving from research facilities at Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) and about 1 h driving from laboratory facilities at Ghent University. The site (inter- and subtidal zone) can be visited year-round.

Local facilities


Next to the biological subjects (for which the Marine Biology Section is equiped with the best microscopes and a very complete library) also more geochemical characteristics are determined and analysed : grain size of sediments (Coulter Particle Size Analyser), Organic C and N, Nutrients (SKALAR), Pigments (HPLC), Redox profiles of sediments, oxygen. All chemical methods are adapted for analysis within the sediments. Microbial aspects (radio-active labelling) and experimental microcosmos research (culture chambers and respiration chambers) are available.


Two Belgian research vessels (R/V Zeeleeuw and R/V Belgica) are fully equiped for marine scientific research. The site is within easy reach from three Belgian coastal harbours (max. 2.5 h sailing)

Availability for guest researchers

The research are available for guest researchers, given that these researchers are operating in cooperation with Belgian researchers.

SCUBA diving

Since the Belgian soft-bottom, shallow coastal waters are not appropriate for SCUBA diving (e.g. turbidity), SCUBA diving facilities are not present.

Availability of housing