
Name: Jon-Arne Sneli

e-mail address:

Proposed Primary Site: The Trondheimsfjord as a whole

PRISTINESS: Primary sites should be as free as possible from anthropogenic stressors, and natural stressors atypical of the region (e.g. reduced salinity, high turbidity).

List potential sources of pollution that are likely to impinge on the site:-

Industrial pollution: Little larger industry along the fjord: shipyard, paper mill (no chemicals), gas energy (not yet established)

Agricultural pollution: Farmland down to tidal zone. Farmers are not allowed to fertilize more than up to a given doze. 19 counties border the fjord with farmland

Mining: small amount

Dumping: Sediment from digging in the cities

Dredging: Only from Biological Station

What is the human population of the site in total and per unit area? What is the average population growth per year? Ca 250 000 – Trondheim city have 140 000. Population growth ca 1 %.

How is sewage disposed of? If possible give an estimate of the quantity and quality of the output. The cities have mechanical and chemical (some) waste deposits with rest water to the fjord. The largest cities amount to 200 tonns P, 1250 N through suage. The six large rivers along the fjord support with 250 tonn P and 5200 tonn N

Two rivers have mining vaste: 90 t Zn and 45 t Cu.

Describe the extent of commercial fishing in the area. Please specify the kinds of gear used (trawling, seine netting, lobster pots etc.)

Some few local fisher are using seine netting and long line. Trawling is not allowed. Some fishing with salmon traps.

Give an account of tourist activities in the area (how many tourists per year; what do they do?). There are no information on tourist activities in the area, but a great deal of salmon fishing in the rivers are popular.

Provide evidence that there are no natural stressors such as high turbidity or reduced salinity that are atypical of the region.

We have collected data on S, T and O2 continously for about 30 years. In the surface the salinity varies between 18 (in spring) and 34, at more than 200 m depth the S is ca. 34.5 +.

Give references to any chemical or physical data that support the claim that this is a pristine site.

There is a great deal of reports from gowernmental environmental institutions (SFT, NIVA, OCEANOR, TBS). Some are listed in the librarian database BIBSYS, some can be found in the book "Trondheimsfjorden"


HABITATS: The site should comprise a mosaic of habitats in a well-defined area that are representative of the region.

List the range of habitats present at the site:-


Rock: 40 %

Sand: 10 %

Mud: 50 %


Rock: 60 %

Sand: 5 %

Mud: 35 %

Seagrass beds: < 1 %

How representative is this site of its region (i.e. what regional habitats are missing)?

As a Norwegian fjord the Trondheimsfjord is well representative.

BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The site should already be well-studied (i.e. biodiversity studies should not rely entirely on new research).

For what groups of organisms are comprehensive inventories available? Please list major taxa in each category below, and list publications.







see Attachement

List any other publications relating specifically to the biodiversity or environment at the site.

see Attachment

List publications relating to historical/time-series data at the site.

see Attachment

Is biodiversity information available in electronic form? If so, what is the nature of the database (CD-ROM, web-site)?


PROTECTION STATUS: The pristine nature of the site should be protected by legislation if it is to be a "flagship site" for future monitoring.

What conservation legislation (national, European, international) is currently in place, how well is it implemented and how long will it last?

A gowernmental concervation legislation for a small part of the Lophelia reefs found in the fjord – the shallowest in the world (39 m depth). This will, hopefully last for ever. There is a governmental group working on a proposal for marine conservation areas along the Norwegian coast. They will probably present their results next year.

FACILITIES: The infrastructure for biodiversity research should be available. There should also be a national commitment in terms of financing and scientific activity (i.e funding should not be entirely dependent on the success of any future EU programme).

How accessible is the location? Easely

Is it limited seasonally (e.g. not accessible in winter)? No problems

Is it accessible by car or by boat (indicate means of transport and distance from laboratory facilities in km)? Both car and boat

What is the status of local facilities:-

Laboratory: University institute as a Biological station, large field station in the outher part of the fjord

Boats: 64 feet research vessel – old but rather well equipt.

Are these facilities available for guest researchers? Yes, TBS have RI (LSF) status

What facilities are there for SCUBA diving?

Through help of students who are member of diving clubs. TBS have no air filling equipment, etc.

What housing is available?

In student hostel in Trondheim city. The field station have space for ca 40.

List the sources of funding currently in place specifically for biodiversity research at this site (from where and how much).

Through university budgett – not much, ca NOK 200 000.

List by name the persons currently involved in biodiversity research at this site, their roles and the percentage of their time spent on this research.

Torkild Bakken, dr. student 100 %

Torleif Holthe, professor 50 %

Toril Moen, dr. student. 100 %

Geir Johnsen, post. doc. 100 %

Jarle Mork, professor 60 %

Jon-Arne Sneli, assoc. prof. 60 %

Johanna Järnegren, dr. student. 100 %

4-6 students


Please use this section to add any additional supporting comments, for example what do you think is special about your site from the biodiversity point of view, why is it important to monitor biodiversity there, and what is the public awareness of this?