ERMS image
Amakusaplana spp
Description Diagrammatic representation of Amakusaplana acroporae morphology and comparison with A. ohshimai (from Kato, 1939), showing a) the distribution of eyes around the anterior end and b) a sagittal view of the male and female reproductive systems. av accessory vesicle, br brain, ce cerebral eye, e eyes, ec egg chamber, ed ejaculatory duct, fa female atrium, in intestine, m mouth, ma male atrium, me marginal eyes, ph pharynx, pn penis, pns penis sheath, prg prostate glands, sg shell glands, sgp shell gland pouch, sv seminal vesicle, ut uteri, vi vagina interna
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added on 2017-04-07185 viewsERMS taxa
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