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WoRMS taxon details
original description
(of Dactylocalyx masoni Bowerbank, 1869) Bowerbank, J.S. (1869). A Monograph of the Siliceo-fibrous Sponges. Part I. <em>Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London.</em> 1869 (1): 66-100, pls III-VI. page(s): 91-93 [details] 
additional source
Magnino, G.; Gravina, M. F.; Righini, P.; Serena, F.; Pansini, M. (1999). Due demosponge Lithistidi nuove per i mari italiani. <em>Biologia Marina Mediterranea.</em> 6: 391-393. page(s): 391-392; note: Misapplication [details] Available for editors [request]
additional source
Carvalho, F.C.; Pomponi, S.A.; Xavier, J.R. (2015). Lithistid sponges of the upper bathyal of Madeira, Selvagens and Canary Islands, with description of a new species of <i>Isabella</i>. <em>Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom.</em> 95 (7), 1287-1296., available online at https://doi.org/10.1017/S0025315414001179 page(s): 1289 [details] Available for editors [request]
additional source
Pouliquen, L. (1969). Remarques sur la présence d'éponges de l'étage bathyal dans les grottes sous-marines en Méditerranée. <em>Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des sciences de Paris.</em> 268, 1324-1326. page(s): 1325; note:
Misapplication: In Pisera & Vacelet, 2011 (pag.22): " the identity of the described specimens from Mediterranean caves with the species C. bowerbanki, and not with C. masoni, is beyond ...
Misapplication: In Pisera & Vacelet, 2011 (pag.22): " the identity of the described specimens from Mediterranean caves with the species C. bowerbanki, and not with C. masoni, is beyond any doubt"
[details] Available for editors [request]
additional source
Van Soest, R.W.M. (2001). Porifera, <b><i>in</i></b>: Costello, M.J. <i>et al.</i> (Ed.) (2001). <i>European register of marine species: a check-list of the marine species in Europe and a bibliography of guides to their identification</i>. <em>Collection Patrimoines Naturels.</em> 50: 85-103. (look up in IMIS) [details] 
additional source
Pouliquen, L. (1972). Les spongiaires des grottes sous-marines de la région de Marseille: Ecologie et systématique. <em>Téthys.</em> 3(4): 717-758. page(s): 749; note:
Misapplication: In Pisera & Vacelet, 2011 (pag.22): " the identity of the described specimens from Mediterranean caves with the species C. bowerbanki, and not with C. masoni, is beyond ...
Misapplication: In Pisera & Vacelet, 2011 (pag.22): " the identity of the described specimens from Mediterranean caves with the species C. bowerbanki, and not with C. masoni, is beyond any doubt"
additional source
Sollas, W.J. (1888). Report on the Tetractinellida collected by H.M.S. Challenger, during the years 1873-1876. <em>Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873–76. Zoology.</em> 25 (part 63): 1-458, pl. 1-44, 1 map., available online at http://www.19thcenturyscience.org/HMSC/HMSC-Reports/Zool-63/htm/doc.html page(s): 303 [details] 
Pisera, A.; Vacelet, J. (2011). Lithistid sponges from submarine caves in the Mediterranean: taxonomy and affinities. <em>Scientia Marina.</em> 75 (1), 17-40., available online at https://doi.org/10.3989/scsimar.2011.75n1017 [details] 
From editor or global species database