MarBEF Data System

European Marine Gazetteer Placedetails

Status Proposed standard Proposed standard
Language Name Name source
EnglishBaltic Sea(1953). Limits of oceans and seas. 3rd edition. IHO Special Publication, 23. International Hydrographic Organization (IHO): Monaco. 38 pp. (look up in RoR)   
PlaceType IHO Sea Area 
Latitude 58° 56' 39.6" N (58.94434°)  
Longitude 20° 8' 1" E (20.13361°)  
Min. Lat 52° 39' 12.7" N (52.6535°)  
Min. Long 9° 21' 56.2" E (9.3656°)  
Max. Lat 67° 4' 50.1" N (67.0806°)  
Max. Long 37° 28' 8.1" E (37.4689°)  
Source (1953). Limits of oceans and seas. 3rd edition. IHO Special Publication, 23. International Hydrographic Organization (IHO): Monaco. 38 pp. (look up in RoR)
Notes Previous coordinates (en): Latitude: 56.66584; Longitude: 18.07524; minLong: 9.52228; minLat: 52.65352; maxLat: 59.93862; maxLong: 23.51169; precision: 880229 meter (geometry updated 2020-01-22 to also reflect seas lying within IHO sea area)    
Part of  World Oceans (World)  [view hierarchy]   
Shapefile [download] or view the complete IHO Sea Area shapefile
Datasets covering
the whole area
Baltic porpoise sightings 01-02
Baltic Sea benthic meiofauna and macrofauna mid 1990s
Baltic seabirds transect surveys
European Register of Marine Species version 2
Halacarid species from European waters (Halacaridae, Acari)
Historical benthic data from the southern Baltic Sea (1839-2001)
Historical benthic dredge samples from the southern baltic and the North Sea
Historical benthos data from the North Sea and Baltic Sea from 1902-1912
Historical data on invertebrates from the Baltic Sea and Gdansk Bay
Historical quantitative benthos grab samples from the Southern Baltic Sea
Historical quantitative benthos grab samples from the Southern Baltic Sea - German data
Historical quantitative benthos grab samples from the Southern Baltic Sea - Polish data
Holsatia-expedition 1887 - animals collected with a dredge during the expedition
ICES Database on Trawl Surveys
ICES EcoSystemData
IOW Macrozoobenthos monitoring Baltic Sea (1980-2005)
long-term time series of averaged sea surface temperature data
MANUELA Database
North East Atlantic Taxa
SCANS I cetacean sightings 1994
The Baltic Expedition 1901 of the German sea fisheries association
Western Baltic Sea Copepods
Datasets covering
part of the area
Mnemiopsis leidyi in the Gulf of Gdansk (Gulf of Gdansk)
Aland Island Fish (Northern Baltic)
Aland Island Macrophytes (Northern Baltic)
Aland Island zoobenthos (Northern Baltic)
Alien species in the Gulf of Gdansk (Gulf of Gdansk)
Baltic Sea Alien Species Database (Kattegat, Gulf of Bothnia, Gulf of Finland, Gulf of Riga, Vistula Bay, Baelt Sea, Curonian Lagoon, Baltic Proper, Oderhaff)
Baltic seabirds transect surveys (Gulf of Riga)
Bay of Puck (Bay of Puck)
Bay of Puck dataset (Bay of Puck)
Benthic fauna of the inshore waters of Gdansk Bay (Gulf of Gdansk)
Bottom fauna in Puck Bay Proper (Bay of Puck)
Composition and distribution of bottom fauna in the coastal zone of the Gulf of Gdansk Proper (Gulf of Gdansk)
Curonian Lagoon ecological monitoring (Curonian Lagoon)
Curonian Lagoon zooplankton survey (Curonian Lagoon)
Estonian monitoring A (Parnu Bay)
Estonian monitoring B (Parnu Bay)
Estonian monitoring C (Gulf of Finland)
Estonian monitoring D (Gulf of Riga)
Estonian monitoring F (Parnu Bay)
Estonian monitoring G (Gulf of Finland)
Estonian monitoring H (Gulf of Riga)
Estonian monitoring I (Gulf of Riga)
Estonian monitoring J (Parnu Bay)
Estonian monitoring K (Hiiurna)
Estonian monitoring L (Matsalu Bay)
Estonian monitoring M (Vilsandi)
Estonian monitoring N (Kudema Bay)
Gulf of Gdansk (Gulf of Gdansk)
Gulf of Gdansk mesozooplankton monthly sampling 1999-2000 (Gulf of Gdansk)
Historical data on invertebrates from the Baltic Sea and Gdansk Bay (Gulf of Gdansk)
ICES Database on Trawl Surveys (Kattegat)
IOW phytoplankton monitoring (HELCOM)/ ODIN Version 2004 (Baelt Sea, Baltic Proper)
IOW/HELCOM phytoplankton monitoring version 2007 (Kattegat, Baltic Proper)
Kiel Bay intercalibration data set (Baelt Sea)
Lithuanian Coastal Zone (South Eastern Baltic)
Lithuanian Economic Zone (South Eastern Baltic)
long-term time series of averaged sea surface temperature data (Kattegat)
Macrofauna communities in the Gdansk Basin: spatial and temporal variability (Gdańsk Basin)
Macrozoobenthic populations of the Gulf of Gdansk (Gulf of Gdansk)
Marine Benthic Fauna List, Island of Læsø, Denmark (Kattegat)
Meiofauna of the Southern Baltic (Southern Baltic)
Monthly changes in the macrofauna community of the Gulf of Gdansk (Gulf of Gdansk)
N3 data of Kiel bay (Baelt Sea)
Nematode data from the Gulf of Gdansk (Gulf of Gdansk)
Nivå Bay species list, Zealand, Denmark (Nivaa Bay)
Phytoplankton monitoring in the Baltic Proper from 1980 until 1999 (Baltic Proper)
Phytoplankton monitoring in the Kattegat and Belt Sea area from 1979 until 1999 (Kattegat, Baelt Sea)
Polish Economic Zone (Southern Baltic)
Quantitative investigations on the bottom fauna in the Southern Baltic (Southern Baltic)
Russian barnacle geese (Eastern Gulf of Finland)
Spatial distribution of macrofauna (Gulf of Gdansk)
Temporal cover of N3, a station in Kiel bay (Kiel Bight)
Vistula Lagoon Programme (Vistula Bay)
Edit history Last edited on 2021-01-22 12:16:46 by Lonneville Britt
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