ERMS image

Cyamon spinispinosum (Topsent, 1904)
Cyamon spinispinosum (Topsent, 1904)
Description Habit and SEM images of spicules of ZMA Por. 19422, from SE Rockall Bank, North Atlantic, A: shape encrusting deep sea coral (scale = 1 cm), B: short style, lightly spined at the head, B1 details of apices of short style, C: long style, coarsely spined, C1 detail of head of long style, D various shapes of polyactines, E detail of the cladome of a seven claded polyactine. Author van Soest, Rob JPG file - 137.02 kB - 705 x 709 pixelsmore
Extra information
Original Width: 705 pixels
Original Height: 709 pixels
Orientation: 1: Horizontal (normal)
added on 2012-11-101 114 viewsERMS taxa Cyamon spinispinosum (Topsent, 1904) accepted as Acantheurypon spinispinosum (Topsent, 1904)checked van Soest, Rob W.M. 2012-11-10 Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 License
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