MarBEF Data System

WoRMS taxon details

Serripes groenlandicus (Mohr, 1786)

582749  (

Aphrodite columba I. Lea, 1834 · unaccepted > junior subjective synonym
Cardium boreale Reeve, 1845 · unaccepted > junior homonym (non Cardium boreale Broderip & G....)  
non Cardium boreale Broderip & G. B. Sowerby I, 1829
Cardium edentula Montagu, 1808 · unaccepted > junior subjective synonym
Cardium edentulum Montagu, 1808 · unaccepted > junior subjective synonym
Cardium fabricii Deshayes, 1855 · unaccepted > junior subjective synonym (uncertain synonym)
Cardium groenlandicum Chemnitz, 1782 · unaccepted > unavailable name (published in a work rejected by...)  
published in a work rejected by ICZN direction 1; available from Mohr, 1786
Cardium groenlandicum Mohr, 1786 · unaccepted > superseded combination
Cardium groenlandicum unciangulare Khomenko, 1931 † · unaccepted > junior subjective synonym
Mactra fujinensis Yokoyama, 1923 · unaccepted > junior subjective synonym
Serripes (Serripes) groenlandicus fabricii (Deshayes, 1855) · unaccepted > junior subjective synonym (uncertain synonym)
Serripes groenlandicus fabricii (Deshayes, 1855) · unaccepted > junior subjective synonym (uncertain synonym)
Serripes grönlandicus (Mohr, 1786) · unaccepted > misspelling - incorrect subsequent spelling
Serripes grönlandicus var. protractus Dall, 1900 · unaccepted > junior subjective synonym
Serripes vachrushevi Evseev, 1956 † · unaccepted > junior subjective synonym
Venus islandica O. Fabricius, 1780 · unaccepted > misapplication


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marine, brackish, fresh, terrestrial
recent + fossil
(of Cardium groenlandicum Mohr, 1786) Mohr, N. (1786). Forsog til en Islandsk Naturhistorie, med adskillige oekonomiske samt andre Anmaerkninger. [Attempts at an Icelandic Natural History, with several economic and other notes.]. <em>C.F. Holm, Kiobenhavn (Copenhagen).</em> 414 pp., pls. 1-7., available online at
page(s): 129 [details] 
MolluscaBase eds. (2025). MolluscaBase. Serripes groenlandicus (Mohr, 1786). Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at: on 2025-01-16
2011-10-22 14:32:48Z
2013-11-13 13:31:39Z
2024-07-29 14:20:52Z
2024-12-11 17:49:13Z
2024-12-11 19:04:06Z

Creative Commons License The webpage text is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License

original description (of Venus islandica O. Fabricius, 1780) Fabricius, O. (1780). Fauna Groenlandica, systematice sistens animalia groenlandiae occidentalis hactenus indagata, quoad nomen specificium, triviale, vernaculumque, synonyma auctorum plurimum, descriptionem, locum, victum, generationem, mores, usum capturamque singuli, pro ut detegendi occasio fuit, maximaque parte secundum proprias observationes. [Fauna Greenland, systematically presenting the animals of Western Greenland so far investigated, as to the specific name, trivial, vernacular, synonyms of the authors for the most part, description, place, life, generation, manners, use and catch of each one, as there was an opportunity to discover, and for the most part according to personal observations.]. <em>Hafniae [= Copenhagen] & Lipsiae [= Leipzig], Ioannis Gottlob Rothe.</em> xvi + 452 pp., 1 pl., available online at
page(s): p. 411 [details] OpenAccess publication

original description (of Cardium edentulum Montagu, 1808) Montagu, G. (1808). Supplement to Testacea Britannica with Additional Plates. Woolmer, Exeter. v + 183 pp., pl. 17-30. , available online at
page(s): 29-30 [details] 

original description (of Cardium boreale Reeve, 1845) Reeve, L. A. (1844-1845). Monograph of the genus <i>Cardium</i>. In: <i>Conchologia Iconica, or, illustrations of the shells of molluscous animals</i>, vol. 2, pl. 1-22 and unpaginated text. L. Reeve & Co., London. [stated dates: pl. 1-4 [3 undated], October 1844, pl. 5-8, November 1844; pl. 9-12, December 1844; pl. 13-16, January, 1845; pl. 17-22, March 1845]. , available online at
page(s): pl. 22, species 131 [details] 

original description (of Cardium fabricii Deshayes, 1855) Deshayes, G. P. (1855). Descriptions of new shells from the collection of Hugh Cuming, Esq. <em>Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London.</em> (1854) 22: 317-371 [pp. 317-320, 8 May 1855; 321-371, 16 May 1855]., available online at
page(s): 333 [details] 

original description (of Mactra fujinensis Yokoyama, 1923) Yokoyama, M. (1923). On some fossil Mollusca from the Neogene of Izumo. Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, 2(1): 1-9, pls. 1, 2.
page(s): 5 [details] 

original description (of Mactra radiata Donovan, 1803) Donovan E. (1799-1804). The natural history of British shells: including figures and descriptions of all the species hitherto discovered in Great Britain, systematically arranged in the Linnean manner, with scientific and general observations on each. 5 volumes, London, printed fro the Author, and for F. and C. Rivington, 180 plates with unpaginated text. Vol. 1: introduction 3 pp; pl. 1-18 [1799]; pl. 19-36; index 10 pp. [1800] . Vol. 2: pl. 37-54 [1800]; pl. 55-72, index 10 pp. [1801]. Vol. 3: pl. 73-90 [1801]; pl. 91-108, index 8 pp. [1802]; Vol. 4: pl. 109-126 [1802]; pl. 127-144, index 8 pp [1803]. Vol. 5: pl. 145-162 [1803]; pl.163-180, index 7 pp. [1804]. , available online at
page(s): vol. 5 pl. 161 [details] 

original description (of Serripes grönlandicus var. protractus Dall, 1900) Dall, W. H. (1890-1903). Contributions to the Tertiary fauna of Florida with especial reference to the Miocene silex-beds of Tampa and the Pliocene beds of the Caloosahatchie River. <em>Transactions of the Wagner Free Institute of Science.</em> 3(1): 1-200 [1890]; 3(2): 201-474 [1892]; 3(3): 475-570, and plates for part 1: pp. 179-190, pl. 1-12; plates for part 2: pp. 449-458, pl. 13-22 [1895]; 3(4): [i]-viii, 571-948, pl. 23-35; [1898]; 3(5): 949-1218, pl. 36-47 [1900]; 3(6): [i]-xiv, 1219-1654, pl. 48-60 [27 October1903]., available online at
page(s): 1112 [details] 

original description (of Cardium edentula Montagu, 1808) Montagu, G. (1808). Supplement to Testacea Britannica with Additional Plates. Woolmer, Exeter. v + 183 pp., pl. 17-30. , available online at
page(s): 29-30 [details] 

original description (of Cardium groenlandicum Mohr, 1786) Mohr, N. (1786). Forsog til en Islandsk Naturhistorie, med adskillige oekonomiske samt andre Anmaerkninger. [Attempts at an Icelandic Natural History, with several economic and other notes.]. <em>C.F. Holm, Kiobenhavn (Copenhagen).</em> 414 pp., pls. 1-7., available online at
page(s): 129 [details] 

original description (of Aphrodite columba I. Lea, 1834) Lea, I. (1834). Observations on the naïades; and descriptions of new species of that, and other families. <em>Transactions of the American Philosophical Society.</em> (NS) 5: 23-119, pls 1-19 [August or September 1834]., available online at
page(s): 111-112, pl. 18 fig. 54 [details] 

original description (of Cardium groenlandicum Chemnitz, 1782) Chemnitz, J. H. (1780-1795). <i>Neues systematisches Conchylien Cabinet</i>. Gabriel Nicolaus Raspe, Nürnberg. Vol. 4 [1780]: [xxvii] + 344 pp. + 1 (errata), pl. 122-159; vol. 5 [1781]: [xxiv] + 324 p., pl. 160-193; vol. 6 [1782]: [xii] + 375 pp., pl. 1–36; vol. 7 [1784], [xii] + 356 pp., pl.. 37–69; vol. 8 [1785], xvi + 372 pp., pl. 70–102; vol. 9(1) [1786], xii + 151 pp., pl. 103–116; vol. 9(2) [1786], [xxvi] + 194 pp., pl. 117–136; vol. 10 [1788], [xx] + 376 pp., pl. 137–173; vol. 11 [1795], [xx] + 310 pp., pl. 174–213 [Work placed on the Official Index by ICZN Direction 1 (1954)] [volumes 1-3 are by F.H.W. Martini]. , available online at
page(s): vol. 6: 202, pl. 19 fig. 198. [details] 

original description (of Cardium groenlandicum unciangulare Khomenko, 1931 †) Khomenko I.P. (1931). Materials on the stratigraphy of the Tertiary deposits of the south-western coast of the Schmidt Peninsula (northern Sakhalin). <em>Trudy Glavnogo Geologo-Razvedochnogo Upravleniya VSNKh SSSR.</em> 79: 1-126. In Russian.
page(s): 75 [details] 

original description (of Serripes vachrushevi Evseev, 1956 †) Evseev K.P. (1956). Materials of the geology and stratigraphy of Sakhalin (Poronaysk and Makarov districts). <em>Trudy VSEGEI, new series.</em> 5: 1-164. [In Russian].
page(s): 85, pl. 16, fig. 4, 5 [details] 

taxonomy source Kafanov, A.I. (2003). Recent and fossil Clinocardiinae (Bivalvia, Cardiidae) of the world. VII. Tribus Serripedini Kafanov, 1975. <em>Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil Museum.</em> 30: 1-23, pl. 1-13. [details] 

context source (MSBIAS) MEDIN. (2011). UK checklist of marine species derived from the applications Marine Recorder and UNICORN. version 1.0. [details] 

basis of record Turgeon, D., Quinn, J. F., Bogan, A. E., Coan, E. V., Hochberg, F. G., Lyons, W. G., Mikkelsen, P. M., Neves, R. J., Roper, C. F. E., Rosenberg, G., Roth, B., Scheltema, A., Thompson, F. G., Vecchione, M., Williams, J. D. (1998). Common and scientific names of aquatic invertebrates from the United States and Canada: mollusks. 2nd ed. <i>American Fisheries Society Special Publication</i>, 26. American Fisheries Society: Bethesda, MD (USA). ISBN 1-888569-01-8. IX, 526 + cd-rom pp. (look up in IMIS)
page(s): 42 [details] 
 Present  Present in aphia/obis/gbif/idigbio   Inaccurate  Introduced: alien  Containing type locality 


English Greenland smoothcockleGreenland cockle  [details]
French coque du Groenland [from synonym]  [details]
German Grönländische Herzmuschel  [details]
Japanese ウバトリガイ  [details]
Russian Серрипес гренландский  [details]
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